Dove WeeklyThis interview was condensed and transcribed from Dove Weekly, a magazine out of Aspen, Colorado and is with Sampson and Delilah, best known as part of the production crew at Openly High Farm, where they head up the fertilizer division.
Interview with Sampson and Delilah, Fertilizer Division at Openly High Farm
Q. How long have the two of you been working at Openly High Farm? And what drew you to the farm? A.(Delilah) Well I have been here over a year and I first came here after a stint at the Oxford County Fair. Johnnys little girl met me there and we hit it off so when she mentioned who her father was I asked her to bring him by my cage and check out some of my work. He liked the NPK of my shit and offered me work right away. (Sampson) I was a loner and a drifter and frankly before I saw Delilahs profile on Craigs List and spending my time in a pigeon community at one of the statutes in downtown Portland. But after spending a few days hanging out with her I said that maybe it was time I settled down, got a steady job, and considered starting a family. And I had always enjoyed the smells that came from the homeless folks drum circles so I figured it was the universes way of telling me that marijuana work was the way to go! Q. There have been stories in the press recently about labor issues that have arisen amongst the new Dove/Growers alliance in Oxford County. Care to comment? A. (Sampson) Well listen, the truth is that we give both Johnny Crashed and Redneck a lot of credit for their work pioneering the use of Dove Guano, or as we call it “liquid gold” in Maine marijuana grow fields. They were ahead of the crowd, absolutely. But lately they been smoking too much of their own weed and they don’t realize that the balance of power is shifting. These days it’s us birds that got what they need and we want to be compensated appropriately. Q. I understand that Jezebel who lives at the farm, has been actively trying to mediate some of the issues that have been coming up. Would you consider her an ally? A. (Laughter from both of the doves) (Delilah) Actually we would consider her our own personal house girl albeit a clumsy one. We even got her trained to clean up our crap! But it’s a little dicey when she dances in her kitchen when we’re around and so we stay vigilant to avoid decapitation. Nice girl. A little daffy though. Q. Why do you think it has taken so long for American marijuana farmers to come around to Dove Guano as an integral part of the plants feeding regimen? From what I understand European growers have been using it since the early ‘90’s. A. (Delilah) Honestly, American weed growers are a bunch of sheep and rather then keep themselves open to thinking outside the box, they spend their time waxing poetically about Botanicare this, or General Organics that. Bullshit! We got everything that plant needs in our poop and the large corporate nutrient suppliers don’t want you to know it because it would cut them right out of the loop. So listen up you Doritos munching, white college reggae band listening robots, you need to wake up and smell the nitrogen! Q. One final question. The tabloids are saying that the two of you are trying to start a family. With so much anti-dove sentiment in the world today does it scare you to think about bringing baby doves into it? A. Absolutely. But we think that between providing plant food for marijuana growing and our work in the peace movement, there is still a place for dove’s and we want our children out front leading. |